How Long Does Dilaudid Stay In Your System

How Long Does Dilaudid Stay In Your System?

Getting Help for Prescription Drug Use and Abuse

Many people take Dilaudid today to help relieve severe and chronic pain. So when the time comes to take a drug test, it is normal to be concerned that this medication will cause a positive test result if you are taking it.

One question many people find themselves asking is “how long does Dilaudid stay in your system?” Most drug tests have an extended window of time in which they can detect certain substances, including Dilaudid.

Whether using the drug recreationally or for medical purposes, knowing how to prepare for a drug test can help you make safe and informed decisions. In most cases, you will have the opportunity to communicate with your drug test administrator about any medications you are taking beforehand.

If you are using Dilaudid without a prescription, however, it is important to be honest with yourself. A Dilaudid addiction is a serious matter, and will need professional help to be properly addressed.

South Shores Detox offers various different treatment programs for those struggling with prescription drugs and any other substance. Keep reading to learn more about how long Dilaudid stays in the system, and how our substance abuse treatment program can help you safely recover from this drug.

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What is Dilaudid?

Hydromorphone hydrochloride, more commonly referred to by the brand name Dilaudid, is an opioid painkiller that is commonly prescribed to treat severe pain. Dilaudid and other drugs like it are, in most cases, only prescribed for short periods of time due to their high risk for dependence.

In most cases, this medication will either be taken orally, with pills coming in both short- and extended-release tablets, or injected intravenously as a liquid. Currently, Dilaudid is classified as a Schedule II opioid by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

This means that there is a high risk for Dilaudid abuse and addiction when using this drug over long periods of time, or not as prescribed by a doctor. The medication activates the brain’s opioid receptors, providing pain relief and sometimes an intense euphoric high.

As a central nervous system depressant, the high produced by Dilaudid can make it a habit-forming substance. This means that users will continue to abuse it more often and in higher doses in order to continue achieving this high.

What Situations Call for Dilaudid Drug Testing?

Dilaudid Drug Testing

You may be required to take a drug test for several reasons and in various different situations. Knowing where and when to expect a drug test and what substances are commonly tested for can help keep you safe and informed. Some of the most common scenarios in which you may be drug tested include:

  • Medical testing: Drug tests are considered commonplace in many clinical settings. They are frequently used to ensure the well-being of patients and clients in psychiatric centers, addiction rehab facilities, and prescription opioid monitoring programs.
  • Workplace testing: Employee drug screens are a normal practice when hiring new potential candidates and ensuring the safety and well-being of current employees.
  • Military testing: There are several safety regulations in place for military service members, including regular drug testing, which can take place on a scheduled or random basis.
  • Athletic testing: Professional sports often require their athletes to take regular drug tests to make sure they are not taking performance-enhancing substances that can put their health or careers at risk.
  • Legal testing: Many legal scenarios will call for drug testing, including for child custody cases, criminal proceedings, and drug court cases, amongst various other situations.

How Long Does Dilaudid Stay In Your System?

The Dilaudid metabolism rate can vary depending on how it was taken, how much was taken, and the individual’s biological makeup. There are general guidelines that can give you a basic estimate of how long this substance will take to leave your system.

When taking immediate-release Dilaudid pills, this medication will start taking effect after thirty minutes and hit peak performance within an hour. Extended-release pills will take around six hours to kick in, with peak effectiveness kicking in at the nine-hour mark.

The drug’s half-life will also vary based on how it was used. Injection Dilaudid use will generally leave the system faster while metabolizing more slowly with other forms of drug use such as oral consumption.

Short-acting Dilaudid’s half-life ranges from 2-3 hours, whereas extended-release formulations can take up to fifteen hours for the ‘half-drug’ to leave the body, and as long as three days to be completely cleared from the system after their last dose.

What Drug Tests Detect Dilaudid?

Drug Tests Detect Dilaudid

When testing for Dilaudid and other opioid pain medications, there are several types of screening methods that can be used, each with different detection times, including the following drug tests:

  • Urine Tests: Urine testing is the most affordable method of drug testing, as well as one of the least invasive. A urine drug test can detect Dilaudid for up to three days after a person’s last time using this medication.
  • Saliva Tests: Oral fluid can be used to detect drug use for up to 48 hours after the fact, and are the second most commonly preferred method of testing after a urine test due to their cost-effectiveness and low invasiveness.
  • Blood Tests: As one of the more invasive and expensive testing methods, blood tests are not commonly used for detecting drug use. They also have a small detection window of only 24 hours when it comes to opioids like Dilaudid, making them only useful for same-day testing.
  • Hair Tests: Hair follicle testing is one of the most effective tools for detecting long-term use of opioids like Dilaudid. Hair testing can detect this drug use for up to three months after the last time a person has used Dilaudid. However, they are also more expensive, and therefore less commonly used.

There are several factors that affect detection times, including the person’s diet, metabolism rates, and whether they are using any other substances at the same time as Dilaudid. Generally, though, the detection windows provided above can give you a basic understanding of how long each test will be able to detect this drug use.

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The Dangers of Abusing Opioid Pain Medications

When abusing opioids like Dilaud, the risk of physical dependence is just one of the many dangers that come with this drug abuse. When not using this medication as prescribed, individuals put themselves at risk of developing various health complications, including:

Short Term Side Effects

There are several common short-time side effects that come with the misuse of Dilaudid. These can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Excessive sweating
  • Skin flushing

Hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and rashes are all signs of an allergic reaction to Dilaudid, and should be immediately addressed, as these symptoms can be life-threatening. Furthermore, as with other opioids, there is also a high risk of overdose when taking too high a dose of Dilaudid.

This can be a fatal condition and can cause symptoms such as respiratory depression, clamminess, reduced blood pressure, slow heart rate, hypothermia, disorientation, and a bluish tint to the skin.

If not properly addressed, coma and even death can occur from an opioid overdose. If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone else after using this medication, it is important to seek emergency medical assistance immediately.

Long Term Side Effects of Dilaudid Abuse

Long Term Side Effects of Dilaudid Abuse

Due to its high risk for addiction, Dilaudid is not intended to be taken for long periods of time. In addition to dependence, there are several other adverse health effects that may occur when this drug is chronically abused, including:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Organ damage

What to Do After Receiving a Positive Drug Test Result

If you have recently failed a drug test, you may be feeling overwhelmed and at a loss for what your next steps should be. While a failed drug test can be life-changing, there is no rule saying these changes can’t be positive. In fact, this could be just the sign you need that it is time to take back control over your life. In our opinion, the best defense for a positive drug test is getting support to prevent it from happening again, and many employers agree and support this decision.

If you are struggling with Dilaudid abuse, we offer addiction treatment programs and recovery services available to help you get your life back on track. South Shores Detox can offer you the rehabilitation services you need to regain your sobriety and build healthier life habits.

South Shores Detox Opioid Treatment Program

Medical detox program

The South Shores Detox facility offers a variety of recovery services and treatment options to those struggling with opioid addictions, including Dilaudid. For many of our clients, we recommend starting with a medical detox program to help wean them off of this medication.

For those with a dependence on an opioid like Dilaudid, suddenly stopping this drug can cause them to experience withdrawal symptoms and cravings, which can be severe. Some of the most common symptoms of opioid withdrawal include flu-like symptoms, joint pain, and even seizures.

A Full Continuum of Opiate Recovery Programs

Our team of medical professionals can help gradually wean you off of your Dilaudid use with the support and structure you need to safely navigate this process. With a balanced recovery diet and carefully monitored prescription medications, your withdrawal symptoms and cravings can be managed and even prevented.

Once you have made it through the difficult first stages of recovery, you will move on to the next stages of your personalized treatment plan. This may include participating in our residential or outpatient treatment programs.

We also offer dual diagnosis treatment to help you manage a co-occurring mental health disorder or medical condition that may be contributing to your substance abuse habits. No matter which option you choose, you can be sure that you will receive the extensive support and care you need to achieve and maintain long-term sobriety.

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Start Your Recovery With South Shores Detox!

South Shores Detox is committed to providing high-quality care in a compassionate and supportive environment. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to recover, and we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their goals.

No matter what substance abuse issues you may be struggling with, know that we are here to support you in all of your treatment needs. Reach out today to learn more about our recovery facility, and how we can help you achieve long-term sobriety!