How Long Does it Take to Get into Rehab

How Long Does it Take to Get into Rehab?

The Prompt Timeline for Getting Help at South Shores

Seeking help for addiction is a significant step and getting prompt treatment is often crucial. At South Shores, we understand the urgency and have streamlined our process to ensure you receive immediate attention.

Understanding the timeline and the process will strengthen your preparation process and set expectations about when treatment might begin. So, how long does it take to get into rehab?

Keep reading to learn more about the timeline and how we can help you get the treatment you need at our facilities for substance abuse recovery!

Long-Term Timeline For Getting Into Outpatient Treatment or Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities

Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities

When you’re ready to get help, navigating your way into an outpatient or inpatient drug rehab facility involves several steps. Each one is significant and plays a vital role in ensuring that you receive the most appropriate care for your needs, but each step can take time.

Choosing The Right Facility

Finding a center that aligns with your individual requirements – from substance type to treatment approach – forms the foundation of successful rehabilitation. It’s worthwhile spending some time researching different facilities, and seeing why South Shores Detox and Recovery sits atop many lists of best facilities for treatment in Orange County.

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Consultation Stage

Following this, potential patients often undergo consultations with professionals at these centers, helping determine what level of care could be beneficial given their particular circumstances and whether the facility is a good fit.

Insurance Coverage

It’s also important to verify insurance coverage before starting treatment. Certain facilities may not be within the network, or specific treatments might not be covered – it’s crucial to communicate with your provider to understand what exactly is included in your plan.


Lastly, for successful admission into the rehab facility of choice, there must be an open spot available that aligns with when you are ready and willing to take on rehabilitation.

While the timeline does vary based on individual situations and specific facility policies, treatment can generally commence within just a few days following the initial inquiry with the right knowledge and support.

The Problem Of Delaying The Substance Abuse Treatment Process

Risk Of Overdose

Accessing treatment in outpatient or inpatient drug rehab facilities can at times be fraught with challenges. Given the critical nature of confronting addiction and all its associated risks, it’s vital to initiate this recovery process as quickly as possible once you’re ready.

For individuals dealing with substance dependency, each day without help can further deepen their health crisis and complicate recovery. Here’s why it can be incredibly problematic to have to wait to get into treatment:

  • The Progressive Nature of Addiction: It’s essential to understand that addiction is a progressive condition. This means that without intervention, the dependency on substances typically escalates over time, not only physically but mentally as well.

The person may start needing higher doses to reach similar levels of intoxication – leading to increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms, which deepen this cycle.

  • Risk Of Overdose And Legal Problems: Waiting for rehabilitation for ongoing substance abuse heightens the risk of overdosing. Concurrently legal troubles could be around the corner as well for those who don’t get the help they need —arrests or charges can complicate things and further hamper recovery efforts.
  • Social and Economic Consequences: As addiction spirals, it often wreaks havoc on a person’s social life and financial stability. Relationships may suffer or break under the strain of substance abuse-related behaviors such as lying, stealing, erratic behavior, or neglecting responsibilities. Economically, loss of employment due to poor performance at work can lead to financial destitution.
  • Willingness to Receive Help: One major concern about a treatment program being delayed is an addict’s willingness to get help. Drug and alcohol abuse completely alters a person’s brain chemistry; it’s truly like you’re dealing with someone you don’t know anymore when your loved one is using drugs or alcohol.

If they’re willing to get help, it’s essential to act on that immediately because there’s just no way to know how long that willingness to get help is going to last. The longer it takes to get into treatment, the more likely they are to change their mind, which can end up turning into a deadly situation.

  • Impact On Self-Esteem And Self-Worth: Waiting for treatment, especially amidst the emotional rollercoaster that substance dependency often accompanies, can have a severe impact on your self-esteem and feelings of worthiness.

As delays continue and frustrations build up, individuals may start to internalize these setbacks as indicative of their lack of value or deservingness. This misplaced guilt coupled with the prevalent stigma surrounding addiction can lead to devastating beliefs like “I’m not worth help” or “I don’t deserve recovery.”

Such detrimental thoughts not only escalate feelings of isolation but also erode optimism for success in future attempts at sobriety – adding another layer of complexity to an already challenging path toward recovery.

3 Ways to Help Ensure Treatment is Accessed Immediately

Get Support and Backup

If you or a loved one is dealing with substance abuse, inpatient or outpatient rehab services may be necessary to help you overcome your addiction and to get on the road to recovery. Here are some steps you can take to ensure treatment is accessed as quickly as possible:

1) Understand The Urgency

The first thing you need to do is to acknowledge that treatment is necessary and it must be sought quickly. Addiction doesn’t rest just because you or your loved one is looking for treatment; the longer someone waits to get treatment, the worse their addiction becomes and the more dangers they face. Recognizing this urgency will lead you to act quickly and take the appropriate steps to get the help you or your loved one deserves

2) Get Support and Backup

Ensure that you have as big of a support group as possible, as these people can help you find the right treatment centers as quickly as possible. Whether it’s friends, loved ones, and/or professional help, the more people you have helping you, the better, as long as it is coordinated. One person can be responsible for calling one facility and getting as much information as possible, and another can be responsible for calling another facility, etc.

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3) Plan For Your Loved One Before They’ve Agreed

While it might seem odd to plan for your loved one to go to treatment before they even agree to get help, it can expedite the process once they are willing to accept it. There’s no reason you can’t start looking into insurance and facilities before actually needing to plan their enrollment.

This can include looking into nearby detox facilities as well, as sometimes this might be an option before you can get accepted into a longer treatment program. The answer to a related question: how long is rehab, varies based on needs and goals in seeking treatment.

Consider Our Outpatient Rehab Treatment Options

If admission into the inpatient treatment facility of your choice is not immediately possible, it doesn’t mean that you should delay initiating recovery completely.

In such situations, outpatient rehab programs for addiction treatment and mental health issues can serve as a valuable interim solution. This allows you or your loved one to start receiving therapy sessions and medication management if required while living at home, which is a significantly better option than delaying all forms of structured addiction treatment.

Take Advantage of 12-Step and Other Support Programs

Group Therapy

If you or a loved one needs to attend treatment for alcohol addiction or a substance use disorder but can’t get into a facility right away, it’s always a good idea for individuals struggling to start going to support groups, like 12 step meetings – Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

While this won’t replace an inpatient program, it can often jumpstart a person’s recovery journey, and many people are able to maintain sobriety this way. It’s always a good idea to attend rehab when necessary, as you will be able to engage in individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy, which can be instrumental in helping you overcome your addiction. If an immediate solution is not feasible, don’t despair—this doesn’t mean your situation is without hope.

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Let South Shores Help You Today!

You should never underestimate the power of professional guidance when navigating the challenging waters of recovery. Let us at South Shores provide you with comprehensive support designed to address your situation effectively and sensitively.

Ready to start your journey towards improved health and a better life? Reach out to South Shores today – we’re here awaiting your call. Don’t hesitate anymore, take that pivotal action toward healing and attend our drug or alcohol rehab facility as soon as possible.

All calls to our treatment facilities are completely confidential, so please reach out to get support and immediate access to our services!