How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System

How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System?

Answers to Your Questions About Opioid Use Disorder

As the waves of opioid addiction continue to crash upon countless lives’ shores, many individuals struggle to keep their heads above water. The relentless tide threatens to swallow them whole. They are powerless against the turbulent current. Subutex can form a beacon of hope for those battling the storm of addiction, though it can also be abused.

As a medication-assisted treatment prescribed by healthcare professionals, Subutex is crucial for many opioid addiction recovery. It is helpful in a program that includes counseling and behavioral therapy. This medicine helps support individuals weathering the storm. But it can also become a crutch when used for too long or can be used inappropriately.

No matter what your usage is, you’ve come to get answers to: ‘How long does Subutex stay in your system?’

Are you ready to release the storms of opioid abuse and see your way into clear sailing? Whatever your struggle with opioids is, South Shores Recovery is here to help.

What Is Subutex?

Subutex is a brand name for buprenorphine. It’s an FDA-approved medicine that can treat opioid medication abuse.

It’s a partial opioid agonist. A partial agonist binds to the same opioid receptors inside the brain as other opioids. It functions similarly to heroin or prescription painkillers. But it does not have the same euphoric effects.

You don’t feel the same intense high. Subutex helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It makes it easier for individuals to overcome their addiction by tricking the opioid receptors.

What Are the Proper Clinical Uses for Subutex?

Opioid detoxification

Doctors prescribe Subutex for the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It’s key to medication-assisted treatment (MAT). That’s when healthcare professionals combine medications like Subutex with counseling and behavioral therapies. Together, they help patients manage their addiction.

Proper clinical uses for Subutex include the following:

Opioid detoxification

Subutex can be helpful during the detoxification phase of opioid addiction treatment. It helps to manage discomfort and cravings. That makes the detox process more comfortable and manageable for patients.

Maintenance therapy

After opioid detox, Subutex can be a part of maintenance therapy for substance abuse. It continues to help manage cravings and prevent relapse while patients take part in counseling and other therapeutic interventions.

Pain management

This prescription drug may work for pain management, particularly for patients with a history of abusing opioid medications or a high risk of developing an addiction.

By using Subutex instead of traditional opioid painkillers, doctors can help patients manage their pain. They also lower the risk of addiction.

Following your doctor’s prescribed guidelines is essential when using Subutex. Misusing Subutex or taking it in ways not recommended by your doctor can lead to harm or Subutex addiction.

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What About When Someone Takes Subutex Without a Prescription?

Subutex abuse and misuse are severe concerns for those struggling with addiction, as this medication helps individuals overcome their dependency on opioids. Subutex occupies the same brain receptors that opioids target, thus reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. When taken under professional medical advice, Subutex can be a highly effective tool for managing opioid addiction. However, misuse of this medication can lead to dangerous consequences.

One common form of Subutex abuse is taking the medication in ways other than prescribed, such as crushing and snorting or injecting it. This method of consumption can increase the odds of side effects.

These can be respiratory depression, drowsiness, and confusion. That increases the potential for overdose. Abusing the prescription this way can lead to a new addiction, as individuals may become reliant on the medication’s effects for emotional or psychological relief.

How long does Subutex stay in your system when abused?

The duration that Subutex stays in one’s system varies based on factors such as individual metabolism, dosage, frequency of use, and the method of administration. When abused, these factors can contribute to an increased presence of the drug in the body.

On average, the half-life of buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Subutex, ranges from 24 to 42 hours. That means that it takes around 24 to 42 hours for the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream to decrease by 50%.

How Do People Get Addicted to Opioids?

How Do People Get Addicted to Opioids

Drug addiction develops through various pathways. Many factors contribute to the risk of becoming addicted. Here are some of the most common ways people get addicted to opioids:

Prescription Opioid Use

Many people take opioid medication their doctor prescribes for pain management after surgery, injury, or to treat chronic pain. Over time, they may develop a tolerance to the medication. They then increase doses to achieve the same level of pain relief. It can lead to physical dependence and, eventually, addiction.

Misusing Prescriptions for Painkillers

Some individuals misuse prescriptions or other opioids by taking them more frequently or in higher doses than suggested. Or they use them for non-medical reasons. For instance, they use them to cope with stress or to achieve a euphoric effect. This misuse increases the risk of developing an addiction.

Experimentation and Recreational Use

People may experiment with opioids recreationally or to cope with emotional pain, stress, or trauma. Recreational use increases the likelihood of developing an addiction, as individuals rely on the drugs to experience pleasure or relief from emotional distress.

Genetic Predisposition

Research has shown that genetic factors can contribute to an increased risk of addiction. People with a family history of substance use disorders may be more susceptible to developing opioid dependency.

Environmental Factors

Things like peer pressure, exposure to drug use in the community, and a lack of access to appropriate mental health care contribute to the risk of opioid dependency.

Co-occurring Mental Health Issues

People with mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD, may be more likely to misuse opioids. They do this as a way to self-medicate their symptoms. It increases the risk of developing an addiction.

Understanding the factors contributing to opioid addiction is crucial in developing effective prevention and treatments. Early intervention, education, and access to appropriate healthcare services can help reduce the risk of addiction and support individuals.

Do I Need Mental Health Services During Detox or Rehab?

Mental Health Services During Detox


Many individuals with opioid dependency also struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders. For example, they might have anxiety, depression, or trauma. Adding mental health services to your addiction treatment can help address these underlying issues.

A comprehensive treatment program may also improve well-being, making it easier to maintain long-term recovery.

Can I Detox Without the Help of a Healthcare Professional?

Detoxing from drugs, including Subutex, can be dangerous without medical supervision. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and become life-threatening in some cases. A healthcare professional can provide medicine to cope with withdrawal symptoms. Inpatient rehab will also monitor you to ensure a safe detox process.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Opioid Addiction?

Long-term effects of opioid addiction can include physical health issues like poor liver function, respiratory problems, and an increased risk of infections.

Drug abuse can also impact mental health, relationships, finances, and overall quality of life.

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Can My Job Detect Buprenorphine in a Random Drug Test?

Drug tests at work are usually urine tests or saliva tests. Buprenorphine metabolites may appear in the results. Many who work in places with frequent, random drug tests ask: How long does Subutex stay in your system?

Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Subutex, is not always detected in standard urinalysis drug tests. Instead, it is most accurately tested in a blood test – which most employers avoid.

However, some employers may specifically test for buprenorphine, especially if they know an individual has a drug abuse problem. But how long can Buprenorphine stay in your system? That is a concern for those needing Subutex use to manage drug addiction.

Do False Positives Occur for Buprenorphine?

False positives for buprenorphine can concern individuals undergoing drug testing. That outcome can lead to unnecessary stress and potential consequences. False positives occur when a test incorrectly shows the presence of buprenorphine in a person’s system, even though they haven’t used it. The same can apply to other drugs.

Some employers use a hair test. Hair follicle tests can be reliable without the bother of blood tests. They’re less susceptible to tampering and provide a longer detection window. Hair follicles typically show taking Subutex up to 90 days after the last dose.

Answering the question of how long does Subutex stay in your system boils down to a simple solution. Prescribed Subutex use is legal. If you have a drug test, your healthcare provider can confirm the legal usage in this case.

Why is Inpatient Care Recommended for Opioid Withdrawal?

Inpatient Care Recommended for Opioid Withdrawal

Inpatient care is often best for opioid withdrawal. Medical detox is the safest way to start substance abuse treatment. That’s because of the intensity of withdrawal and the risk of complications. In an inpatient setting, medical professionals can closely monitor patients, administer medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and provide support.

What Are Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms Like?

Opioid withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable. These drugs are notorious for harming liver health–or causing severe liver disease. Some of the most uncomfortable symptoms include these:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle aches
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia

These vary by the individual’s health problems, history of opioid use, and other medications.

How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System?

That depends. Answering the question, How long does Subutex stay in your system? is based on many factors. The drug dose, frequency of use, and individual metabolism each play a role. Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Subutex, has a half-life of approximately 24-42 hours.

Subutex half-life refers to how long it takes for roughly half the drug to be eliminated from the body. It can generally take several days to a week for Subutex to be fully cleared from your system.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the factors that can answer–how long does Subutex stay in your system?

  1. Dosage: The amount of Subutex taken can affect how long it takes to eliminate the drug from the body. High doses will take longer to metabolize compared to a lower drug dose.
  2. Frequency of use: If you use Subutex frequently, it may accumulate in your body, leading to a longer detection window. The drug might not have enough time to metabolize between doses fully.
  3. Individual metabolism: Each person’s body processes substances differently due to variations in liver function, genetics, age, and overall health. As a result, the time it takes to eliminate Subutex from the system can vary significantly among individuals.
  4. Body fat content: Buprenorphine gathers in fatty tissues. People with higher body fat percentages might retain the drug longer, leading to an extended detection window.
  5. Hydration and kidney function: Adequate hydration and proper kidney function to be eliminated from the body. Dehydration or impaired kidney function may prolong buprenorphine treatment.

As mentioned earlier, the half-life of buprenorphine is approximately 24-42 hours, meaning it takes that long for half the drug to be eliminated from the body. However, detecting the presence of Subutex in the body, or how long it will stay in your system, is not solely based on its half-life. How long Subutex will stay in your system is more complex.

For instance, it typically takes around five half-lives for a drug to be considered cleared from the system. That could mean the effects of Subutex last from several days to a week. Predicting how long Subutex stays in the body, without knowing all the factors, is nearly impossible.

What Subutex Treatment Options Will South Shores Recovery Offer Me?

Subutex Treatment Options

Determining if you’re ready for Subutex treatment involves assessing your commitment to recovery and willingness to participate in all aspects of the treatment process. You’ll attend counseling, support groups, and family therapy.

Do you recognize that you have a problem with abusing opioid medication? Do you want to change? If you say yes to both questions, you are likely ready for Subutex treatment.

At South Shores Recovery, we provide a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment options. We provide medication-assisted treatment, individual and group counseling, and support for co-occurring mental health disorders.

Your healthcare provider will develop a personalized treatment plan. We customize to provide the best possible chance for success during your stay with us.

Detox and Rehab Helpline – Reach Out Now!
CALL US AT: 833-213-3869

Get Help for Opioids Now at South Shores

If you or a loved one is actively struggling with opioid use, including Subutex, we encourage you to pick up the phone now and call South Shores Detox and Recovery.

Are you ready to leave the crashing waves of addiction for sunny skies and smooth waters? If so, then today is the day to make the confidential call – we’re ready to throw you the lifeline you need!